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What are your business hours? Can I go anytime?Our operating hours are from sunrise to sunset, 365 days a year unless there is rental of the property. Members MUST check our calendar before each of their visits to ensure that the property isn't rented.
Are dogs allowed?Members may bring their dogs (who have HP dog tags), however visitors and guests may NOT bring their dogs. Dogs on leash are allowed at Harvest Preserve during operating hours. Please check the calendar to see when we are holding OFF LEASH hours for dogs. Off leash dogs are not permitted during on leash hours. Please clickto download our policy and waiver forms. Please sign these forms and email them to All dogs must: - be at least 16 weeks old to be off-leash - be fully vaccinated for rabies - be in control of someone at least 16 years old - be in the handler's visual contact and voice control Dog Handlers: - must clean up after their dog - must take all waste bags with them when they leave - must carry a leash for each dog - discourage excessive barking/dominating behavior Not allowed: - vicious, dangerous or aggressive dogs - dogs with communicable diseases - dogs in heat
How do I get a visitors code for my guest?Please email to obtain a visitor's code for your guests. Members MUST accompany their guests during their visit.
Can my guest or a visitor bring their dog?No. Bringing a dog to Harvest Preserve is reserved for members only. We have liability waivers on all dogs who spend time at Harvest Preserve, whether leashed or not.
Can I rent Harvest Preserve?Yes, however we only rent to current Harvest Preserve members. Please email to discuss your rental. Our rental rates are determined by length of rental and number of guests.
Can I have my family photos taken at Harvest Preserve?Yes! Your photographer can be one of your invited guests. Please email if your photographer needs a visitor's code.
Can I swim, boat, ice skate or ice fish at Harvest Preserve?"No. We do not have the liability coverage to allow for water activities at Harvest Preserve. Special groups who frequent Harvest Preserve (i.e. camps) who have additional insurance are allowed to swim and boat. Please contact if you have any questions.
Are children allowed at Harvest Preserve?Yes! However, children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. We cannot be held responsible for the safety of your children.
How can I read your newsletter?
Where can I find your dog policy and waiver forms?Please fill out all forms, sign and return them via mail or email.
Where can I sign my member liability waiver?Please sign the waiver and return via mail or email.
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